Strength TogetHER 9- Session 6


26th February, 2021.

On 26 th february, 2021 we around 20 girls gathered via zoom to discuss on topic "Little Sunshine" where we talked about those tiniest thing that had ever brought happiness to our face. The session started at 5:00 pm and went upto 6:50 pm all due to the love and support of our dear moderator Miss Anjila Pokharel.

She has currently finished her bachelors degree in business administration specialization in finance from mahendra morang adarsha multiple campus, biratnagar. Being a person with good leadership and communication skill she is currently involved in a social organization( Leo Club of Pathari) as a zone chairperson of Multiple district council 325 A1.She has fully dedicated herself in social work and has also completed her tenure as a club president. She is an avid reader and she also possess keen interest in writing.

Facilitated by ‘Lokopakar’ youth organization which focuses on the development of youth personally or professionally in Nepal, 'Strength togetHER' virtual program is created specially for girls and young women of different mindsets and backgrounds. During the sessions, they all come together to share various views, ideas, perspectives, experiences, and stories. This space helps them to grow as individuals by creating a platform to be themselves, talk about their issues, and find solutions to their problems.

Happiness is just a state of mind and even the smallest thing could make you smile to the best.Some of the things that spread happiness according to our speakers are:

1) Reading for the exam under pressure

2) Receiving love and support from seniors

3) Receiving sweet text messages or being prioritized

4)Playing with chemicals and instruments in laboratory

5) Receiving small help or when checked up by friends

6) Reading new books and getting video calls from dad

7)Playing with rabbits

8) when someone listened them without interrupting and playing marshall arts

9) Hanging out with friends, music and dance

10) Being encouraged by other and being appreciate for the work you have done.

11) Receiving unexpected choclate and a message from sister

All these aspects of happiness drew us to some conclusions:

• When you appreciate others you will get appreciation back.

• We should be happy in small things but never let small things make you sad.

• Excepting to be prioritize is human nature and its okay to except it.

• If you want big things try to enjoy small things.

• Develop your listening power and learn to reply in best way after listening.

• Dont keep exceptation in something that can't be fulfilled.

• Happiness is something which is self created.

• Involvement of third person gives short happiness while self happiness is the ultimate form of happiness.

• Instead of receiving happiness giving happiness is all that matters.

• Let go away the negative thoughts and learn from mistakes.

• Learn to smile by keeping all your problems aside.

• Never think that someone is never gonna hurt you.

• Try to utilize sadness in something productive.

• You will know the real you when you are alone.

• To find out the real person in you, you should be hurt.

• Think about what you are doing for others.

• Emotion changes faster.

• Don't keep expectation in terms of feelings and relationships.

After this we separated some time to talk about the things that we have kept in our bucket list as our secret dream. We found out many things that our participants are hoping for:

• Solo travelling on bike

• Want to visit aglo( a place from a book)

• Try bunjee jumping

• Visit beahes of maldives

• Visit Amsterland

• Do well in career 

• Write a book of poems

• Write a novel

• Provide service to the people

• Open orphanage and old age home

Discussion about the thing we once dreamt about motivated us to strive for achieving it. The 110 minutes session was interactive and filled with positivity all thanks to our moderator and our participants. At last we took a screenshot with a smiley pose as a memory of the great time that we had shared together as a family.

Written by: Sakshi Wagle ( Cohort Coordinator, LOKOPAKAR)


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